EXMO have partnered with up with Adrob.io to allow for traders to now use trading robots to improve their trading efficiency. It will be Adrob.io who will be providing these robots with a choice from the 6 that they have developed. These six robots were each designed and adapted for different market conditions. The way in which they are unable to do this is via being tailored for different portfolios with 5 or 6 strategies that the robots will use and thus base their trading behaviour on for you. [cta text='Visit EXMO' href='/out/exmo'] These include different frequency of transactions, account for the ratio of profit and risk, the share of entry into the position, and trading parameters. While all the transaction will be orientated on a Long position, there will also be limits on potential losses that there in case the BTC price decreases. Naturally, this provides a fair bit of peace of mind and security when using the bot. You can start using bots at EXMO immediately for BTC / USD. There is though plans to make it available to use it on BTC / EUR and BTC / RUB too. While the Robot can be very helpful, there are also risks involved too so be cautious when using them.