After the reveal of three separate promotions this time last week, CoinEX are back again with a brand-new promotion that allows users to borrow their first trade free of charge for 30 days. Now in its second month of existence, CoinEx’s margin trading service has been quite a hit amongst users and with new updates still be added to the platform, they seem content on pushing on. With this latest promotion, it seems they want new traders to partake in the service as they are offering first-time margin traders the option to borrow funds with no interest for the first 30 days. The deal is as simple as that. Head over to their platform and make your first margin trade on their platform. Then, whatever you choose to borrow will come with no interest for the first 30 days in a place. However, you do not have to rush over there, as this deal will be in the long run. This means any trader, whether they are veteran traders on the platform or brand new to the platform can make use of this deal as and when they feel like dipping their toe in the margin trading water. As such, if you were thinking about getting started, CoinEx seems the ideal place to be right now to try it. This new promotion comes just days after the roll-out of CoinEx’s new Options Trading, another possibility for users to look at if they were looking for a new lucrative way to trade their crypto.