Spanish telecommunication company and Wibson, the consumer personal data market, have launched a mobile app and data platform in Spain, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Argentina, according to a press release published by the Wibson. The platform and the mobile app will allow people to sell their personal data directly to data buyers including marketers, advertisers, academics, and technology platforms. People will have the right to decide whom they sell or not. Telefonica is taking a principal role in this project as the company previously funded Wibson, altogether with DGG and Kinetic Capital; but now, "Telefonica will serve as a notary, helping to verify Movistar subscriber status for consumers selling data through the Wibson marketplace." So, Wibson and Telefonica will test the world's first authenticated personal data marketplace. According to the press release, in the data marketplace deals with three types of participants: data sellers, data buyers, and notaries. Data sellers are common people who are looking to profit from their personal data, data buyers are businesses and organizations which want to acquire, authentic and validate data directly from consumers. And notaries are companies that verify that everything is true and there are not impersonations. It is a good thing if you want to sell your data, you are already giving up for free while using social media and searchers like Facebook, Twitter or Google Chrome. So, with Wibson you will be able to take direct profit from it.