Users at CoolWallet looking for customer support will now need to find it via their website channel or their contact email as opposed to their Telegram service. After launching last year, the CoolWallet Telegram has become an incredibly useful tool for the cryptocurrency wallet to keep in touch with their users and vice versa. This meant that any updates or product news could easily be transferred from them to their users and any feedback could be also sent directly to the platform also. [cta text='Visit CoolWallet' href='/out/coolwallet'] For some, the Telegram also became a means by which to contact CoolWallet about any issues they may have with any of their products. However, this will now change as according to CoolWallet this way of working was becoming “increasingly ineffective” as a “customer support channel for CoolWallet S owners who need a quick turnaround on product-related issues.” As such, they have advised users to stop using it as a customer support service. Instead, head over directly to the contact page of their website in order if they need any assistance with their products, or fire off an email to if they need any expert advice from the CoolWallet team. Via these channels, the CoolWallet support staff can help you with any of the following issues: recovery seedsprivate keyscontact informationaddressuser’s identity or name The Telegram channel will stay up and running and function in the same way as normal, just that any customer support queries will not be answered via it. Thus, the Telegram will now be discussion-only, focusing on general and product news. According to the platform, the change has been made in order to “streamline their customer support, provide priority-based ticket support and protect their users’ privacy.”